UX Gigs

Average UX/UI Design salaries in the UK

What is the average salary for a UX/UI Designer in the UK? We've analysed the 27 UX/UI Design jobs posted since 2023 on UX Gigs. Read on to find out how that compares by seniority and city.

Last updated 21/03/2024.

What is an average UX/UI Designer salary in the UK?

The average salary for a UX/UI Designer in the UK is £50,820. This is based on 27 UX/UI Design jobs posted on UX Gigs.

Midweight UX/UI Designer salaries in the UK

A midweight UX/UI Designer typically has about 3-5 years experience. As their expertise grows, so does the averagesalary. A midweight UX/UI Designer can typically expect a salary of £51,250* on average.

*Based on 6 jobs.

Senior UX/UI Designer salaries in the UK

A senior UX/UI Designer typically has about 8+ years experience. Not only are senior UX/UI Designer's experienced in their craft, but their responsibilites are also greater. A senior UX/UI Designer can typically expect a salary of £57,134* on average.

*Based on 5 jobs.

Where can I find UX/UI Designer jobs in the UK?

There are a number of job boards for UX/UI Design jobs in the UK. Sites like Indeed and LinkedIn can be a great place to start. You can also browse the UX Gigs job board for UX/UI Design jobs specifically in the UK.

How do UX/UI Designer salaries compare across the UK?

UX/UI Designer salaries in London, UK

The salaries in London are typically higher due to higher living costs. That is no exception for UX/UI Design, where the average salary for a UX/UI Designer is £54,738*.

*Based on 7 jobs.

UX/UI Designer salaries in Manchester, UK

Whilst salaries in Manchester are lower compared to London, so too are the living costs. The average salary for a UX/UI Designer in Manchester is about £45,000* .

*Based on 8 jobs.

Remote UX/UI Designer salaries in the UK

The boom in remote design jobs has been a real benefit for UX/UI Design jobs, bringing in higher salaries with the flexibility of working anywhere in the country. The average remote UX/UI Designer salary in the UK is £52,809*.

*Based on 12 jobs.

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